Biometric attendance module helps in automation of students and staff attendance enabling their time in and time out.
Administrator can create multiple schedules for different events including a regular schedule, holiday schedule, summer or winter school schedules in attendance module.
Attendance portal system sets leave and different types of leave that is either paid or unpaid by following staff attendance schedule. Annual leave, public holidays, sick leave and maternity leave can be set in the system.
It can help in tracking in and out time of employees or students; their total work duration, lunch breaks, etc.
Administrator can set provisions for leave as per the school rule. Employer may grant leave of absence with or without pay to an unusual circumstance.
Students/Employee request for leave from the system. Administrators have full access to either approve or dis-approve the requested leave.
Administrator can set employee attendance for official visit and late information. Official visit or late information record can be generated in reports.
Device Integration ensures that school can easily manage the entry and exits of school employees and student.
System provides easy to use interface to enable school to take and track daily attendance of students/teachers in school.
Different types of attendance report can be auto generated. System generates monthly reports of class or student attendance.
Leave balance portal allows employee to apply for leave based on their leave balance and categories. Employee can see their past leave taken history and current remaining leave through leave balance portal.