Examination Module

Examination Module covers almost all the activities related to examination management.

Grade/Mark Based Examination

This feature gives the option to define whether the exam results will be shown as marks or grades. System automatically calculates the overall module mark and associated grade. The exam results will be shown as marks or grades based.

Manage Subject

Registered the subjects which a group of students study and enjoy the flexibility of updating marks flawlessly.

Exam types, exam conducts and weightage

Create Exams for various school sessions and terms. You are allowed to set different types of examinations that might be unit test, terminal or any examination types. Schedule and manage examination effortlessly to fit the need of your institution.

Generate Admit Card

System automatically generates a printable admit card for each students, saving time and cost of designing cards for students. Administration can generate bulk Admit card from the system easily. Important details of the exam such as date and time, examination center, candidate roll number and other credentials are printed in the admit card.

Examination attendance

This feature allows keeping record of the students taking the exam. Reports about absent students can be generated. Provides parents with first-hand information about their child bunking the examination or genuinely taking a day off from school.


Comments/Feedback can be passed for better performance analysis. This will help to bring best possible efficiency to the intuitions progress there by better overhaul.

Continuous evaluation

Enables schools in comprehensive and continuous evaluation of students by providing various analysis reports.

Marks ledger and mark sheet

Enables complete automation of examination and mark sheet. Only marks obtained and settings are input for this. It generates different marksheet for terminal & summary report for final term.

Performance analysis

Student performance on exam can be prepared on this system. This analysis is used to develop a plan which will help the teachers in improving student examination performance.

Other analytical report

View detailed class-wise or student-wise report cards for each completed exam. Exam wise report, subject wise report, consolidated report, combined report and reports based on student rankings per class, batch, subject and attendance. Report cards can be customized to suite your schools requirements.

Flexible mark sheet layout

The system provides the flexibility to design ones own marksheet layout. This feature offers you a tremendous amount of formatting flexibility.

1000+ Schools and Colleges are using e-School

Triyog High School
Saptagandaki Multiple Campus
Kathmandu School of Law
Aroma English Higher Secondary School
National College of Engineering (NCE)

Our Valued EMIS Projects

University Grants Commission
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Higher Secondary Education Board(HSEB)
Institute of Engineering (IOE)

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