Student Information

System allows easy access to particular student information regarding their academic, personal, family, previous school details along with his/her photo.

Student inquiry

Student inquiry module manages the complete inquiries that have come up with the school and keep track of inquiries. All the school related inquiries can be store at one place. This portal allows easily search students belonging to a particular class, standard, section or batch.

Student admission

This portal allows you to manage entire admission process of the students easily along with student’s required details. Through this portal you can manage the admissions of students very easily and effortlessly.

Transportation & hostel management

Transportation management module comprehensively handles the complete transportation process like allocation of vehicle to a particular route, setting up fees based on the criteria like distance/ area, bus schedule details on daily basis, vehicle no., etc. This Module will also keep the record of students in hostel and their accommodational charges (if any).

Awards & Achievements

This feature can be used to record and recognize the student’s achievements. Students can see their awards and achievements in their login. Parents can also have their own login to get an overview of their children's achievements, which empowers communication between school, teachers and parents.


System allows passing comments and feedback for both students as well as teachers which help them to evaluate themselves. This will help to bring best possible efficiency to the intuitions progress.

Academic details

e-School provides facility to record students educational details like year of enrollment, previous educational document, etc. System can keep lots of information reports in a secured manner that helps the school management to take quick decisions.


This portal provides user friendly dashboard where class teachers can easily take and track daily attendance of students in their classes. With the help of this module, parents can be well alerted about their child time in and time out from school.

Id card printing

System automatically generates a printable identity card for each students on enrollment, saving time and cost of designing ID cards for students. It allows you to generate flexible ID cards as per your school design needs; saving your time and effort.

Guardian details

Guardian’s details like personal details, login details, contact details, working details and other details can be stored securely in this centralized system. Guardian details can be viewed easily whenever and wherever needed.

1000+ Schools and Colleges are using e-School

Triyog High School
Saptagandaki Multiple Campus
Kathmandu School of Law
Aroma English Higher Secondary School
National College of Engineering (NCE)

Our Valued EMIS Projects

University Grants Commission
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Higher Secondary Education Board(HSEB)
Institute of Engineering (IOE)

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