Library Management

Library management carries out complete task of manual library functions without any hassle.

Manage book category, group & sub-group

Library management system is a labor-intensive and time consuming activity. Library management admin/member can easily search for books by book author, Title and Publication name. Keep record of different categories like; Books, Journals, Newspapers, Magazines, etc.

Manage rack & compartment

Through system one can know where the required books are- which rack & compartment does the book lies. Librarians can use the system to create an inventory and specify a book's location within racks & compartment. It removes manual process of managing books by easy and simplified way saving time and effort.

Book information

System provides an easy way to know the status of a book. Librarian can keep complete information of a book like; Book name, Author name, Publisher’s name, Date/ Year of publication & Cost of the book, etc.

Define issue rule

With this system librarian can configure books issue related rules such as the type of books to be issued by students, the number of books to be issued and the time for which the books are borrowed.

Library membership

e- School makes library management easy and less time consuming. As a Library member, one can access more number of books, documents & notes. This system allows only authorized members to access library materials.

Barcode generator

This feature manages library operations and book details with Barcode. Use of Bar Codes for Library Management eases everyday tasks of Libraries. Moreover, the software can work even without Bar Codes seamlessly. Bar code integration makes borrowing books easy and error free for everyone.

Book issue/return/renew

Manage library’s daily activities like book issue, renewal of books, return books back to library, book reports etc. through the system. With this system, the librarian can easily catalogue books and maintain records of issued, reissued and overdue books. This library management feature also captures date of issue and return.

Lost or damaged record

Librarian can keep record of lost or damaged books. Students can be claimed for fine in-case of books damaged or lost.

Library fine

The software automatically calculates fine for late returns of issued book. The system also shows fine levied by automatically counting days from the date of issue in-case of late return of the book.


System can generate auto reports for the book condition. Different kind of reports like; total no. of books, no. of issued books, no. of journals, etc. can be generated. Also customized reports for library items, library inventory and library fine collection can be generated.

1000+ Schools and Colleges are using e-School

Triyog High School
Saptagandaki Multiple Campus
Kathmandu School of Law
Aroma English Higher Secondary School
National College of Engineering (NCE)

Our Valued EMIS Projects

University Grants Commission
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Higher Secondary Education Board(HSEB)
Institute of Engineering (IOE)

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